
A PHP client for elasticsearch.

Fork me on GitHub

How to Contribute

Elastica always needs people who contribute to Elastica. There are different fields where contributions are welcome:

  • Documentation
  • Coding Guidelines
  • Build project
  • Fixing open issues
  • Review pull requests
  • Add new features
  • Talk about Elastica
  • Design
  • Everything else related to Elastica


To make Elastica more friendly for new starters and also experience Elastica users, the documentation has to be extended. Be it the API documentation directly in the code or documentation on Elastica.io. To contribute to Elastica.io, you have to the following steps:

  • Fork the Elastica.io repository
  • Get Elastica.io locally running
  • Create and update the pages as needed
  • Open a pull request on Elastica.io

If you only want to edit a small part of a page, Github also allows to edit files directly online.

Fixing open issues

There are always lots of open issues which are waiting to get fixed or implemented. In case one of the issues is for you, please pick it up, fork the project, fix it and open a pull request (guidelines)

Review pull requests

There are always open pull requests which need reviewing, contributions, inputs and comments.

Add new features

Elasticsearch is under heavy development which means Elastica also has to evolve very fast. Not all features of elasticsearch are already supported in Elastica. To add new features, fork the project on Github, add your changes and open a pull request (guidelines). To make sure no one else is already working on the same feature, open a an issue for it.

Talk about Elastica

Do you use Elastica in your project present it at a conference or meetup? You are going to talk about Elastica? That sounds awesome. Please let us also know so we can link to your presentation.


We would love to have a nice design for our documentation or a logo for Elastica. In case you have some design skills, please contribute and let us know.

Everything else related to Elastica

There is something missing on the list but you would like to contribute it? Please do and let us know :-)