__construct() __construct(string $name, array $data) Parameters string $name The name of the index. array $data The index health data.
getStatus() getStatus() : string Gets the status of the index. Returns string — green, yellow or red.
getNumberOfShards() getNumberOfShards() : integer Gets the number of nodes in the index. Returns integer
getNumberOfReplicas() getNumberOfReplicas() : integer Gets the number of data nodes in the index. Returns integer
getActivePrimaryShards() getActivePrimaryShards() : integer Gets the number of active primary shards. Returns integer
getRelocatingShards() getRelocatingShards() : integer Gets the number of relocating shards. Returns integer
getInitializingShards() getInitializingShards() : integer Gets the number of initializing shards. Returns integer
getUnassignedShards() getUnassignedShards() : integer Gets the number of unassigned shards. Returns integer
getShards() getShards() : array<mixed,\Elastica\Cluster\Health\Shard> Gets the health of the shards in this index. Returns array<mixed,\Elastica\Cluster\Health\Shard>