Aggregation |
Bulk |
Cluster |
Connection |
Exception |
Index |
Multi |
Node |
Query |
QueryBuilder |
Rescore |
ResultSet |
Script |
Suggest |
Tool |
Transport |
Type |
ArrayableInterface | Interface for params. |
NameableInterface | Interface for named objects. |
SearchableInterface | Elastica searchable interface. |
AbstractUpdateAction | Base class for things that can be sent to the update api (Document and Script). |
Bulk | |
Client | Client to connect the the elasticsearch server. |
Cluster | Cluster information for elasticsearch. |
Connection | Elastica connection instance to an elasticasearch node. |
Document | Single document stored in elastic search. |
Index | Elastica index object. |
IndexTemplate | Elastica index template object. |
JSON | Elastica JSON tools. |
Log | Elastica log object. |
Node | Elastica cluster node object. |
Param | Class to handle params. |
Query | Elastica query object. |
QueryBuilder | Query Builder. |
Request | Elastica Request object. |
Response | Elastica Response object. |
Result | Elastica result item. |
ResultSet | Elastica result set. |
Scroll | Scroll Iterator. |
Search | Elastica search object. |
Snapshot | Class Snapshot. |
Status | Elastica general status. |
Suggest | Class Suggest. |
Type | Elastica type object. |
Util | Elastica tools. |