$dateMathSymbols : array
Elastica tools.
replaceBooleanWordsAndEscapeTerm(string $term) : string
Replace known reserved words (e.g. AND OR NOT) and escape known special characters (e.g. + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : etc.)
string | $term | Query term to replace and escape |
Replaced and escaped query term
convertDateTimeObject(\DateTime $dateTime, boolean $includeTimezone = true) : string
Convert a \DateTime object to format: 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z+02:00.
Converts it to the lucene format, including the appropriate TimeZone
\DateTime | $dateTime | |
boolean | $includeTimezone |
convertRequestToCurlCommand(\Elastica\Request $request) : string
Converts Request to Curl console command.
\Elastica\Request | $request |