__construct() __construct(string $name, array|null $bucketsPath = null, string|null $script = null) Parameters string $name array|null $bucketsPath string|null $script
setBucketsPath() setBucketsPath(array $bucketsPath) : $this Set the buckets_path for this aggregation. Parameters array $bucketsPath Returns $this
setScript() setScript(string $script) : $this Set the script for this aggregation. Parameters string $script Returns $this
setGapPolicy() setGapPolicy(string $gapPolicy = 'skip') : $this Set the gap policy for this aggregation. Parameters string $gapPolicy Returns $this
setFormat() setFormat(string|null $format = null) : $this Set the format for this aggregation. Parameters string|null $format Returns $this
toArray() toArray() : array Throws \Elastica\Exception\InvalidException If buckets path or script is not set Returns array