AbstractGeoDistance | Geo distance query. |
AbstractGeoShape | geo_shape query. |
AbstractQuery | Abstract query object. Should be extended by all query types. |
Bool | Bool query. |
BoolQuery | Bool query. |
Boosting | Class Boosting. |
Builder | Query Builder. |
Common | Class Common. |
ConstantScore | Constant score query. |
DisMax | DisMax query. |
Exists | Exists query. |
Filtered | Filtered query. Needs a query and a filter. |
FunctionScore | Class FunctionScore. |
Fuzzy | Fuzzy query. |
GeoBoundingBox | Geo bounding box query. |
GeoDistance | Geo distance query. |
GeoDistanceRange | Geo distance query. |
GeohashCell | Class GeohashCell. |
GeoPolygon | Geo polygon query. |
GeoShapePreIndexed | geo_shape query for pre-indexed shapes. |
GeoShapeProvided | geo_shape query or provided shapes. |
HasChild | Returns parent documents having child docs matching the query. |
HasParent | Returns child documents having parent docs matching the query. |
Ids | Ids Query. |
Image | Image query. |
Indices | Class Indices. |
Limit | Limit Query. |
Match | Match query. |
MatchAll | Match all query. Returns all results. |
MatchPhrase | Match Phrase query. |
MatchPhrasePrefix | Match Phrase Prefix query. |
Missing | Missing Query. |
MoreLikeThis | More Like This query. |
MultiMatch | Multi Match. |
Nested | Nested query. |
NumericRange | Numeric Range Query. |
Prefix | Prefix query. |
QueryString | QueryString query. |
Range | Range query. |
Regexp | Regexp query. |
Script | Script query. |
Simple | Simple query Pure php array query. Can be used to create any not existing type of query. |
SimpleQueryString | Class SimpleQueryString. |
Term | Term query. |
Terms | Terms query. |
TopChildren | Runs the child query with an estimated hits size, and out of the hit docs, aggregates it into parent docs. |
Type | Type Query. |
Wildcard | Wildcard query. |